Saturday, January 13, 2007

#2 Noah (My New Adopted Kid)

I didn't get much time this week to stage a photo shoot. I've been with my family trying to figure out having an extra child in the family. Having one child is an inconvience, but two is a family. I'm not certain what will happen if we have more. I mean, at least there's a one to one relationship (one parent per child), with more, I'm sure it gets interesting.

Anyway, back to the photography part of this. I normally dislike snapshots of kids. They're usually, "Look at my cute kid!" You've seen one kid, you seen them all. This is one of those shots. Hopefully, I'm not exploiting him too much.

This was taken at our local mall in the children's play area. It was too cold to play outside (cold for southern California is in the 60's), so we joined the other families of playing kids there. (Can't you just hear, "Like, let's go to the mall," in your best valleygirl accent.) I was playing around with low light using my 50mm. It's opened all the way up baby (f1.8) at 400ISO and 1/30 speed. I dig the shallow DOF. I sharpened his eye a bit to give it more pop and there's also a bit of level adjustment.


Unknown said...

As a mother of three I have to admit, having more than one kid is a great idea :) When they grow a bit, they can take care of themselves and play togather, so it give parents a little time for themselves. I was a single child and it's a miracle to me to watch how do they interact, how they become friends, how they begin to love each other. Brotherhood or sisterhood it's something I will never know. Watching them it's something that makes my heart grow.

Karen said...

He's a cutie!

puzzled p said...

Congratulations!! He looks like a heartbreaker - really sweet. I like the way you've got his one eye extremely sharp with soft focus on the rest of his face.

Zippy said...

Congratulations on the addition to your family. Nice shot of the little guy.

Germaine said...

Beautiful child.

Jeff said...

I like this photo...and yes he's "cute"....

I tend to disagree with the assertion that if you've seen one, you've seen them all. As a photographer, bringing out personality and character can be especially tough with a child precisely because viewers tend to look at the "cute" part and miss the individuality.

I'm not sure why we tend to look at a photo of an old person's wrinkled face and accept it as serious photography, and look at a photo of a child and dismiss the artistry of the image. Both require technical ability, creative use of light, and all the other things that make photography a challenge.

I think you've done a good job with the lighting, angle, and crop. I would prefer it if both eyes were as sharply focused as his left eye (our right as we look at the photo). Two thumbs up.

james_so said...

The DOF is great, and the focus is spot on, nice shot (& cute kid ;-P)

Anonymous said...

They say when you have kids to have them in pairs... if you have 3 one is always left out which starts a lot of conflicts.